10 free Penfriend v.2 articles

Prices go up 50% tomorrow 😱

Hi Penfriends,

You could get 10 articles up on your blog today, if you wanted.

Here’s how:

  1. Head to appdev.penfriend.ai 

  2. Create a new account with email and password (SSO won’t work)

  3. Your 10 article credits will be waiting!

Here’s how to use your 10 credits, wisely.

  1. With your first credit, make a “how to” article (Your hub)

  2. Mine that article for related content ideas (Your spokes)

Imagine you run a luxury bedding company (I know, your dream job!) And your customers Google things like how to style an old money bedroom.

And you create that article in Penfriend.

Well, look how many related content ideas (spokes) you can find in the first 2 sections.

This is how you create topical authority via the hub and spoke content strategy model.

Link the spokes to the hub, and the hub to the spokes.

Then link the spokes to each other.

As much as it makes sense.

This is the simple strategy we follow for all our projects.

We use Penfriend to make organic traffic graphs go up and to the right, and all within months.

Blog articles are the only compounding asset a business can own, to drive traffic and grow revenue.

You only have three other options and they’re not as sustainable:

  1. Social

  2. Ads

  3. Press

With social, ads, and press you appear in your potential customer's lives on your schedule. And so, you need to keep appearing, to be front of mind.

But with search, people are actively looking for solutions to problems.

You appear when they're ready.

That one difference is staggering.

+ Copy doesn't have to work as hard
+ You don't have to educate as much
+ You don't need to be as persuasive

You save time. You save money.

You build a sustainable business because search is the only one that compounds.

With social you need to post and engage most days
With ads you need to keep paying or sales dry up
With social you need to keep appearing, the news cycle is fast

Only long form articles on a blog compound.

Blogs are for the serious, long term people.

So, if you're serious and long term, but don't have the money or time to make high quality blog articles, you might consider Penfriend.

Penfriend makes articles designed to rank:

  • in 3 clicks

  • 15 minutes

  • and $12

Compared to:

  • endless back and forths with freelancers

  • weeks, usually

  • between $400 and $2,000

Tomorrow we launch Penfriend v.2 and we're raising prices by 50% because it's that good.

Grab a plan today and lock in today's prices, forever.

John, Tim, and Inge

p.s. Test Penfriend v.2 with 10 free articles:

  1. Head to appdev.penfriend.ai 

  2. Create a new account with email and password (SSO won’t work)

  3. Your 10 article credits will be waiting,

  4. Enjoy! 🥳