Content ideas that make money

Already made $36M+

Hi Penfriends,

I thought I’d share some content ideas.

They’re the ones Tim has used over the last 3 years to make his clients money. Like, $36M money…

When you’re reading, replace X with the problem you solve.

1. Framework for solving X

This article template will position you as an expert and give you a reason to talk about your product in relation to a problem.

A great "Jobs To Be Done" framework Tim’s used 800+ times:

  • What is X?

  • Why does X happen?

  • Why do you want to solve X?

  • How do you stop X from happening again?

  • Where else can you apply this solution?

2. Solve the hurdle to solving X

People are "special".

They will always have a reason why your solution won't work for them. It's ok, they have an ego and want to be unique.

Be one step ahead of them by showing them how to get over that hurdle.

I call this staircase content. 3-4 easy steps on how to get over that blocker they invented...

3. Templates to solve X

Show them you've solved this problem.

You've solved it so hard you have templates.

Give them the template for free.

Brand the ever loving sh!t out of that template.

Then ask for the newsletter sign up in the template.

4. Template to solve X's hurdle

This was gonna happen.

Just help them.

3-4 steps to get over themselves.

In template form.

5. How other companies have solved X

Case studies are a gold mine. But, you gotta know why you're doing them.

It's not to show how great you are.

It's to show the user they are not alone in their problem and the solution.

Do one for a small, medium, and enterprise company.

Show the problem exists regardless of scale.

6. You vs The world


You need to show how you're different. If you don't, your competitors will.

Don't worry about search volume, just make these pages. You'd be surprised how many clicks you'll actually get for these pages:

  • Top "competitor" alternatives

  • You vs Y

  • Best Z Software

  • Best Z Tools


Good ones.

Make a download for your best pages. Don't make them complicated. Just make them.

Make them so good you should charge for them. If they're that good, and only when they're that good, ask for an email address in return.

If you haven’t got these kinds of articles on your blog, there’re great places to start building topical authority. In fact, they’re table stakes.

If you want a massive head start, Penfriend can take the burden of high quality first drafts off your hands, for fractions of the time it would take you, and for fractions of the money great freelancers deserve.

And, if you want an even bigger head start, why not let us do it all for you..!? 🎉

🎁 Penfriend Done For You

Here’s an over view of how we can help in our new service:

  1. Advanced keyword research, priority scored, and clustered

  2. Content review

  3. Market research on your business’s industry and positioning
    (for content purposes)

  4. 150 articles, generated by us

  5. A content maintenance plan

  6. Content optimisation plan with editing principles and guidelines

  7. A training session with your internal team

  8. A Coda board for workflow management

For 150 articles = 4 week time frame
For 300 articles = 6 week time frame

If you’re interested, just hit reply to begin a conversation.

We can be flexible, so if you need fewer or more articles just let us know and we’ll see what we can do.

Best wishes,

John, Tim, and Inge