Is what you're writing boring?

I built a free tool for you to see your if your sentences are actually providing any value.

Tech Thursday, and I’ve got a nerdy one for you 🤓

Currently teaching Claude to analyze information density in sentences. It just told me my writing style is "aggressively informative" and honestly, I've never felt so seen and attacked at the same time...

I built something to analyze how much new information each sentence in your content actually provides. Drop in your content, and it'll show you exactly where you're adding value versus just repeating yourself.

Let's talk about something that's been bothering me about content strategy lately: how do we actually measure if each sentence is adding value? Not just checking a box for word count or keyword density, but genuinely contributing new information.

I've spent weeks crafting and refining the perfect prompt to analyze content for actual information density. Then Claude dropped artifacts support, and I thought "why not build a mini app to do this for us?"

Drop your content in and watch as it visualizes:

  • New information (🟩)

  • Elaborated concepts (🟦)

  • Repeated ideas (🟥)

[Note: This is very much a work in progress. The app isn't perfect, but it's fascinating to play with. I'd love your feedback on what could make it more useful.]

There is so much to improve here. And I feel like it’s on the limits of my own understanding. Still, it’s cool as f*ck. Enjoy.

What I’ve Learned so Far.

  • Front-loading new info then expanding works best (Green → Blue pattern)

  • Too much new information gets overwhelming (All Green = reader burnout)

  • Excessive repetition kills engagement (Too much Red = boring)

Why this Rabbit Hole Matters

  • It’s another string in the bow of how we match content tone in Penfriend's Echoes

  • We might uncover patterns in how top-ranking content delivers information

  • If we can understand it at scale... well, users might get some cool new features 😉

That’s it for today. I’ve spent like 4 hours building that app. Wayyyy too long.


P.S. Send me things you’re making with 
I wanna see them. I’ll give you your credit back. Free content :D
And I want to showcase the best ones each week. A chance to win 5 credits back ($60 value)

What to do next

  • Share This Update: Know someone who’d benefit? Forward this newsletter to your content team.

  • Get your First 3 Articles FREE: We just dropped our biggest update yet. Tone matching with Echo’s. Automatic hub and spoke models including Internal linking with Clusters. AND BoFu templates coming very very soon.

  • Let Us Do It For You: We have a DFY service where we build out your next 150 articles. Or our brand new DFY glossary service adds all the terms and jargon busting to site in days.