How Penfriend articles appear in AI answers

Proof from our client đź‘€

Hi Penfriends,

Search is changing because AI now gives us quick answers to any question.

So, does that mean the blog is dead?

We don’t think so.

LLMs like ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity are trained on the grand corpus we call the internet, much of which are articles on blogs.

The aim is to become the brand and authority that the AI picks up and cites. Interested people will want more from the experts.

You can think of AI as the new top of funnel.

And it’s possible to appear in AI answers in a matter of weeks.

We saw it happen a few weeks ago to one of our earliest done-for-you clients, Gill.

Gill’s blog talks about how to quit drinking. We first spoke in June and quickly got to work on some articles around a key moment in Gill’s business calendar, dry July, a fundraising campaign encouraging people to abstain from alcohol for the month of July.

Then something crazy happened…

One of Gill’s friends was doing some research on dry July using Microsoft’s AI Copilot.

One of the cited sources was a 2 week old article we published for Gill using Penfriend.

Here’s what Gill’s friend sent her…

It’s another piece of evidence against the old idea that SEO takes a long time.

Our internal record is ranking a Penfriend article on page 1 of Google in just 11 hours.

(Search “local B2B SEO” and see where Penfriend ranks…👀)

As Gill’s blog goes from 18 articles to over 150+ Google’s going to see her as more of an authority. And so will the AI…

The key to ranking in Google

You can’t do it with 40 excellent articles.
You can’t do it with 400 crappy articles.

You need lots of high quality articles.

Before AI came along, you’d be spending anywhere between $600.00 and $2000.00+ per article depending on the freelancer, the topic, and the quality.

150 articles, each at $600.00 already puts you at $90,000.00.

And that’s why “invest in SEO” stays on the checklist for years and years…

AI came along and promised the world but:

  • ChatGPT won’t write you a thorough article

  • CopyAI, Jasper, and others are too complicated (and sh*tty quality 🤫)

  • Nobody checks what’s ranking and how to outrank

But with Penfriend you get high-quality-articles-designed-to-rank in 3 clicks and for as little as $18 depending what plan you choose.

And if you want us to do it all for you…

Here’s our full Done-For-You service:

  1. Advanced keyword research

  2. Priority score the keywords

  3. Cluster the keywords

  4. Existing content review

  5. Market research on your business's industry and positioning

  6. 150 articles, generated by us

  7. Have a human review each article for LLM hallucinations

  8. A content optimisation plan with editing principles and guidelines

  9. A content maintenance plan so you know what to do next

  10. A training session with your internal team

  11. A Coda workflow board to store and manage your articles


Can I do more than 150 articles?

Yes, some clients have chosen 300 and 450 articles

Can I do less than 150 articles?

Yes, but we don’t recommend it. We usually see things pick up between 100 and 150 articles.

How long is the process?

It’ll take between 4 to 6 weeks. We like to under promise and over deliver so it’s more likely to be nearer the 4 weeks, but have 6 weeks in mind.

Will Google penalise me for publishing 450 articles at once?

No. we’ve published nearly 400 articles in one week on the Penfriend blog and nothing bad happened. 450 in Google’s eyes is nothing. But people have tried to publish thousands of crappy AI articles per day and that’s what gets you into trouble.

Will Google penalise me for AI content?

It’s less about whether the content is generated by AI or not, and more about whether the content is useful for readers. Most AI generated articles are trash. The ones Penfriend crafts are high quality.

If you’re interested to find out more, just reply to this email to start a conversation.

Best wishes,

John, Tim, and Inge

p.s. Our earliest Done-For-You clients took advantage of our early bird 30% discount. Some clients took advantage of the extra 15% off we give on articles above 150. But soon the discounts will disappear as we build more and more proof that Penfriend articles at scale drive organic traffic…forever.