Penfriend Done-For-You (case study update)

Copy what we're doing for Gill

Hi Penfriends,

We started onboarding some of our Done-For-You clients this week.

In upcoming newsletters I’ll do my best to show you what we’re doing and what results we’re getting so if you’re trying to do this on your own, you have some guidance.

Not all our Done-For-You clients will want to be showcased. But I’ll show you what I’m permitted to, and what I think can help you.

One of our clients is the lovely Gill from

Gill’s business is centered around helping people understand drinking habits and how to change them, all based on science, Gill’s experience, and what worked for her.

First, obviously first, we have to stand up and start clapping for that brand name 👏

Second, what’s interesting was that Gill had intended to cancel her subscription with us. She liked the Penfriend content but two things weren’t adding up:

  1. Gill didn’t know what keywords to have Penfriend write articles about

  2. Gill didn’t have the time to edit the articles before publishing

And so article credits were racking up and Gill decided to put us on pause, coming back to it all when she had more clarity and time.

The truth is, I don’t think Gill would ever have come back.

Because, the time would never have materialised and she may never have known what keywords to ask Penfriend to write.

But then Gill saw our Done-For-You offer, booked a call to see how we could specifically help Sober Powered, and contracted us to Do-It-For-Her 😆

So, here’s what we’re doing for Gill:

  1. Advanced keyword research

  2. Priority score the keywords

  3. Cluster the keywords

  4. Existing content review

  5. Market research on your business's industry and positioning

  6. 150 articles, generated by us

  7. Have a human review each article for LLM hallucinations

  8. A content optimisation plan with editing principles and guidelines

  9. A content maintenance plan so you know what to do next

  10. A training session with your internal team

  11. A Coda workflow board to store and manage your articles

One of the first things we noticed about Gill’s blog was that there were only 18 published articles.

It’s going to be hard to claim topical authority with only 18 articles. Google obviously wants to show the most trusted, the most credible, the most accurate results to its users.

And topical authority only comes with quality and quality. Prohibitively expensive to do before Penfriend.

So for Gill, we’ll create 150 articles to add to the existing 18, giving her 168 articles working for her while she sleeps.

We’ve seen things only really start to get interesting around the 100 to 150 article mark. It’s why our Done-For-You service starts at 150 articles. It gives us the best shot and ranking the articles as a collective, because a blog works best as an army.

Our advanced keyword research will show us where to concentrate but what’s highly likely is this (you can copy this strategy)

A proportion of the keywords will be covering high level topics.

  1. Hows

  2. Whens

  3. Whats

  4. Whys

  5. Wheres

We suggest starting with a “how to” article.

So for my gold blog project I started with the keyword “how to buy gold”. Super obvious.

That article will give you your next ten articles because each one of the H2s and some of the H3s will deserve full articles of their own:

For example:

  1. Understanding gold investment

  2. Gold investment strategies

  3. Where to buy gold

  4. Where to buy gold online

  5. How to store gold

  6. What is a gold ETF

  7. Risks of investing in gold

  8. Finding a reputable gold dealer

  9. Historical trends in gold investment

  10. The impact of geopolitical events on gold prices

Each one of these becomes a new article. And the H2s and H3s in each one will guide you to your next 100 articles.

If you don’t want to do the keyword stuff and would rather pay someone to figure it all out for you, plus all the other parts of our Done-For-You service, just reply to this email to start a conversation like Gill did.

Next week I’ll show you how things are progressing and pass on information I think will help you.

Best wishes,

John, Tim, and Inge

p.s. We have an affiliate programme where you can get 40% of every sale 💸
If you’re interested, sign up here :)