Penfriend, Done-For-You service

Your keyword strategy and 150 blogs, all done for you 🙌

Hi Penfriends!

We’re testing a new service this week and we’ve already had tonnes of interest.

It’s Penfriend, but done for you.

  • We’ll figure out the right keywords for you

  • We’ll generate 150 blogs for you

  • We’ll even publish them for you

We’ll take everything off your hands.

We’ve completed one project already, and we begin another next week.

And now, we’re soft-launching it to you guys (with a 30% discount of course!)

You see, we’ve often heard that knowing what to ask Penfriend to write is hard. It’s the thing that come up the most, in the calls Tim does with people who buy annual subscriptions.

It’s these types of questions:

  • What keywords work for me?

  • What’s my keyword strategy?

  • What should I ask Penfriend to write first?

  • What are my hubs?

  • What are my spokes?

  • What should my first 30 articles be?

We put together an SEO masterclass for those of you with less budget and more time to learn.

But if you:

  • don’t have the time to learn…

  • just want to pay to get it done…

  • need to move fast…

  • and dominate your industry…

…our done-for-you service will be a good fit.

Now, because it’s a test, we’re only opening up a few slots, and don’t have many slots remaining.

If you’re interested and want to know more, just reply to this email to begin a conversation.

Best wishes,

John, Tim, and Inge