How to rank in Google

so your customers find you đź’¸

Hi Penfriends,

We’re deep in the article generation and publishing process for many of our clients. We’re in the keyword research phase for others, with more discovery calls booked for potential new clients next week.

And while all the people, businesses, and niches are varied, the problem and the solution are not.

Everyone’s tired of fighting for each new sale. Nobody has a guaranteed way to have clients come to them, even while they sleep.

Some of our clients are on social, but social posts have short life spans. Tweets, Instagram stories, and LinkedIn posts don’t last long. Minutes, hours, days max.

And so, you join the content treadmill

A new video
A new post
A new story
A new image

And that’s just the media part of social media. There’s also the exhausting social bit.

Engaging, commenting, chatting, feigning interest…

And all with the hopes that your potential customers bump into you.

We know the feeling because me, Tim, and Inge all have large audiences on LinkedIn. It can get tiring right? 🥹

Articles on a blog, on the other hand, live forever

But here’s the best bit. If you know what you’re doing, you’ll turn up in the search results when people who are ready to pay search for the thing you sell.

The person searching for “how to buy a business” probably wants to do that.

You could talk all day on social about “how to buy a business” and hope to bump into people ready to do that thing. Or, you could write the best blog on that topic and turn up in the search results every time someone types it into Google.

BTW, that’s exactly what we’re helping one of our early clients do. More on how that’s going over the coming weeks.

It’s compelling isn’t it? New qualified leads when you wake up. The right traffic coming to your website forever, without you having to lift a finger. That kind of thing compounds, and therefore, your bank account will too.

Here’s how you can rank in Google

You’re going to need at least 100 to 150 articles on your blog. You need that volume to show Google you know what you’re talking about, and that you’re one of the authorities worth showing on page 1.

All 150 of those articles need to be high quality. They need to thoroughly answer search intent. The people searching for “how to buy gold coins” and “where to buy gold coins” are looking for different things, and so you need different articles.

So, write down 15 major, but separate, topics or questions your potential clients may want to know the answer to.

How to buy gold
Where to buy gold
How to store gold
Gold bullion
Gold coins

Then, for each one of those major topics, write nine follow on questions your reader might have. For example, for the topic of storing gold, there’s a unique article, thoroughly covering how to store gold at home, how to store gold using safe deposit boxes, or vaults. Each one of those is its own article.

You can use Google’s "People Also Asked” to inspire you. Or even ask ChatGPT to help come up with ideas.

Don’t overthink it. Just cover the basics, thoroughly.

And if you want us to do it all for you…

Here’s our full Done-For-You service:

  • Advanced keyword research

  • Priority score the keywords

  • Cluster the keywords

  • Existing content review

  • Market research on your business's industry and positioning

  • 150 articles, generated by us

  • Have a human review each article for LLM hallucinations

  • A content optimisation plan with editing principles and guidelines

  • A content maintenance plan so you know what to do next

  • A training session with your internal team

  • A Coda workflow board to store and manage your articles

If you’re interested to find out more, just reply to this email to start a conversation.

Best wishes,

John, Tim, and Inge